Holy F Podcast: Two Gals Soul School

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Ep27 Part 1: Risky Business: Recommitting After Betrayal

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Ep27 Part 1: Risky Business: Recommitting After Betrayal The Holy F*ck Podcast

In episode 27, Part 1, Krista’s past partner has the desire to recommit to her based on a life changing experience, and Krista realizes that full commitment from both is necessary. Krista explores an opportunity to reconnect after betrayal, allowing herself honesty, presence, clarity and intuition in order to take full responsibility for her experience. Katherine highlights some of the integral steps Krista took to be free to love again, as Krista re-evaluates the issues from the past relationship and what she needs in order to consider going for round 4! 

Krista shares the miraculous experience that resulted from healing and reconnection with her partner. After a brief reprieve, she is immediately faced with the next opportunity to heal and release her story in order to stay in love.

As they put the soap opera behind them, you’ll see what it takes for two commitment-phobes to fully reopen their hearts.