Ep9: Easy

In episode 9, The Holy Fuck gals take a deeper dive into the different styles of sexual partnership discussed in the book, “The Ethical Slut,” and debate the function of morality, religion, nude beaches and the topic of slutdom. They ask the questions, “Is it better to be a slut or a prude?” Or "How does the fear of being judged as a slut form a young woman's ideas about sexual freedom?” Krista chats about reclaiming her "funny" after her spiritual awakening, flirting with the hot guy at the bar (aka: sabotaging her new relationship), and also gives an update on the status of her new man. Katherine weighs in on the topic of why women are the only ones and also gives an update on the status of her new man. Katherine weighs in on the topic of why women are the only ones called out for their sexual exploits. She shares an intimate story of her own journey through peoples' perceptions of her sexuality, her experience, and how it changed her.

Krista Kims01, 1-29