Holy F Podcast: Two Gals Soul School

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S2 Special Valentine's Day Episode: Love You

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Special Valentine's Day Episode: Love You The Holy F*ck Podcast

Are you dreading Valentine’s Day? Listen as the Gals of Holy F*ck travel back through Valentine’s Days of old- the good, the bad and the ugly. It is Valentine’s Day week and the Gals have a wacky buffet of love to serve up! 

 As Katherine and Krista look back on their 2019 love journeys, curiosity abounds with how they’ve changed and what they are currently desiring for Valentine’s Day 2020! Katherine reflects on being single for last year’s Valentine’s Day and how her heart opening experience cleared the path for an upcoming, momentous celebration! Learn how last year’s V-Day episode changed the course of Katherine’s life forever.

 2020 Valentine’s Day appears to have a much different plan in store for Krista. As she continues to come into completion around her divorce, learn the secret that might potentially bring her to Valentine’s Day tears. Unless…her new love interest can save the day! When Krista reveals her past, lack of rational thinking, Katherine reminds listeners not to make Krista’s crucial Valentine’s “no-no” which continues to leave her vulnerable and tender this Valentine’s Day. 

 In this episode, Krista introduces her new relationship with “Mr. Here and Now” and the do’s and don’ts of non-attachment “dating.” The gals play around with the idea of expressing yourself authentically, even if it means dropping the “L word” after only one month. Will this topic have Mr. Here and Now running for the hills or will it create the deep intimacy that is necessary in order to make the “Here and Now” a possibility of “Here and Forever?”

 In a sweet declaration of love, the Gals express deep appreciation for all of YOU, their dedicated listeners! Hugs and Kisses as you go on your own journey through Valentine’s Day. May it be full of Self-love, Other Love, and Sex, Baby!
