F*ck The Tape-Exposed: Special Edition

America is growing again and our growing pains are showing! The Holy F*ck perspective is "from challenging times arise healing opportunities. This time it’s for our country."

Krista and Katherine stand in support of everyone’s right to have their words spoken and heard with honor and respect. They stand equally with women, men and Dr. Ford as they expose their own stories in homage to her honesty, bravery and courage.

For the first time publicly, Katherine shares her story of sexual trespass and discovers a healing for herself as she reclaims the loss of her virginity from her rapist, choosing instead to bestow that honor to her first lover. The Gals actively demonstrate how to use the tools of Spiritual Psychology, including forgiveness, and apply it to this very controversial topic

They ask the question they always ask “What will you choose today? Fear or Love? They choose Love and hope you will too. Spread the love Peeps.

Krista Kims01, 1-29