S2 Ep36: Blinded

In episode 36, the gals step into a new paradigm of podcasting as they join the world via Zoom due to the Coronavirus quarantine. During this episode, Krista and Katherine ponder whether they can truly love the people they care about if their pipes are clogged with the gunk of past hurts and blocking their flow of love.

 As the quarantine becomes our new norm, feelings of isolation are popping up around the globe. What will it take for you to become okay with yourself? And why do we expect other people to be okay with us when we aren’t okay with us? Isolation is just one more opportunity to grow and heal spiritually. Are you ready to dive in and truly experience yourself? The gals explore what it will look like when we eventually return to the land of living. Will we be a new, evolved species or will we quickly return to old patterns and ways of being?

 What does discomfort look like? It’s easy to blame our discomfort in life on other people but now that the gals are alone, they realize the discomfort is still there, reflecting back to them that it is an internal issue not an external one. There’s no longer anyone to blame it on! 

 As Krista has been ruminating on past hurts with Golden Eyes, she realizes that in the rumination she is showing herself that she isn’t fully healed. Just as she accepts the need to continue healing, Golden Eyes serendipitously returns to listen and heal the past wounds. The beauty is that Krista had the opportunity to finally express herself without the fear or expectation from the past. She softens her words, and enjoys witnessing how the “content” of what she has been wanting to express was more easily heard. 

Katherine is enjoying opening more fully into her loving with Mr. Deliciousness now that she is pulling back the veil that has been blinding her from his magnificence.

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