S2 Ep37: When One Is Not Enough

The Gals are back this Wednesday with more on life and love and how are they are committing to giving us all something to enjoy on lighter side, as a break from our Corona Virus Isolation Lives. 

This topic opens the Gals to a deeper discussion on what is creating your inner wild side and what is it that is building up the pressure behind that. This heads today’s podcast down the road of talking from our Truth. On that note let’s see what trouble Krista and Katherine manage to create as they are attempting to do that more and more in different aspects of their lives.

Even though there aren’t any bars open due to the quarantine, Krista still manages to get herself into some hot water! Can you guess with who??? Not only is Mr. Right Here Right Now on the scene doing some powerful healing with Krista, but another blast from the past comes back to reconnect as the crazy world of corona creates a time of reevaluating what is important in her life.

You guessed it! Golden Eyes is back for another round of healing with Krista and surprisingly, she is game!

With all the healing she is experiencing with Mr. Right Here Right Now, she finally finds her voice with Golden Eyes and begins to share more than ever. Krista goes through some twists and turns as she speaks to Golden Eyes of her past hurts, but this time with less emotion and drama. Golden eyes has found his own way to some healing (Katherine suggests that it is possible that he may even have healed through her healing, even at a distance) and can more easily hear Krista’s pain and be with it, understand it and attempt to work through it with her. 

Luckily the quarantine has forced Krista and Golden Eyes to take space, and rebuild from a non-physical place. This allows for the emotional issues to heal without the pressure of sex being the go-to coping mechanism. 

Although this is amazing growth, Krista suddenly realizes she has created a double life with the two men in her life and needs to clean it up! How does she get what she really wants AND stay connected? Listen to find out what happens as she grapples with her truth and finds her way out of her “situation” and back into integrity with both men.  As she holds her ground and states what she wants from them, Krista finds herself shocked at their responses and happily feeling free! She is thrilled with her newest discovery that it really is ok to be herself. 

We are all in “time-out” right now creating a great time to reflect on our needs and desires. As Krista reveals an inner desire to have both men, she still is secretly hopeful that with time and enough healing with both of these men, One Could Really Be Enough!Spread the love. 


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