Holy F Podcast: Two Gals Soul School

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S2 Ep38: Unwavering

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Ep:38 Unwavering The Holy F*ck Podcast

Are you a pro at maintaining your center even in the face of adversity? Neither are the gals but they definitely have some tips and tools at how to strengthen your inner knowing so that you can remain centered in the midst of chaos.

 In episode 38, Krista discusses what happened immediately after episode 37 was recorded, that severely challenged her ability to stay true to herself. In the aftermath of her “coming out party” Mr. Right Here Right Now texts that “he’s out!” How did Krista’s open relationship come crashing to an end so soon after she was given the ok to be herself? And what did Golden Eyes have to say about Krista’s request for more than one man in her life? As the struggles of multiple partnerships heat up, Krista tries desperately to remain in her center so that she can stand her ground for her truest desires to be fulfilled.

 Katherine on the other hand was taken by surprise on FB when a pastor whom she had known for 10+ years and previously considered a colleague and a well-respected spiritual leader in her community came unglued and attacked her for being “unsafe.” Even after he began using a variety of unkind, denigrating names and chastising her for her “lack of leadership,” she maintained her composure and requested a more honoring and respectful conversation.  When it was evident that there was no chance for that and the other party was becoming increasingly belligerent, she bowed out of the conversation.

 Allowing herself privately to move through an array of feelings of hurt, anger and sadness, Katherine realized that spurred on from fear and he was expressing his sense of helplessness. In this awareness, she could see that she was being called into her compassion for him, and for all of us when fear drives us to behave in ways that hurt or harm each other. 

It was not easy but Katherine was able to maintain her commitment to seeing with Love and actively demonstrate what it looks like to return to loving even in the midst of a great challenge.

 Tune in to discover how the gals support each other to claim their truth even in the face of denigration and possible public humiliation, and how you can do that too.
